A Thani Naadan agency with Continental tastes!

We are “the people” agency; communicating the right things in the right sense to the right people. So don’t be surprised when we work in moderate ambience or look normal without freaky attires or makeovers. Because creativity needs no frills. We won’t blow your mind with out of the box ideas that leave people blockheads, rather we blow the tunes that enchant them. We try to balance our communication between the elite cream and the common man. So when we say “the most adipoliest work of all” understand that we know Malayalis just as we know Shakespeare.

It’s not always the pasta or the pizza that fills your stomach but puttu or pappadam as well. We know the extremes and are capable of touching high or reaching low. All we say is, we are a direct hit agency reaching the public through ideas that deliver. And we the team are die-hard fighters who dives into the tough brand battlefield for our clients.